无论你是在寻找一个地方,以满足其他骑士或有机会留下你的印记,并为亚博体育做出贡献, there are multiple ways to get involved, be a part of what’s happening, and help create the next great event or club. Scroll down to learn more!

Accent Image

Campus Activities Board

亚博体育的校园活动委员会(CAB)是一个学生领导的工具,旨在创造一个欢迎, diverse, 通过各种活动丰富亚博体育,营造包容的校园环境, promoting student involvement, and fostering a positive co-curricular atmosphere. CAB的主要目标是通过将骑士学院的经验扩展到课堂之外,在学生群体中建立社区和参与.

CAB负责校内,户外娱乐, & other special events. CAB is dedicated to recruiting, hiring, selecting, promoting, 并保留一支有能力和多样化的专业和准专业团队,以反映亚博体育的多元化社区. 谘询局成员由两名职员组成,任期一年. 有关CAB的问题和顾虑由学生参与协调员直接处理.

Clubs & Student Organizations

作为一个小型校园社区,最好的部分是每个学生都有机会领导. 亚博体育提供广泛的学生领导的组织和课外活动,将帮助你追求你的激情, hone your leadership skills, make lifelong friends, and build great college memories. All clubs and organizations are open to all students.


  • Asian Pacific Islander Club
  • Between the Spreadsheets
  • Black Student Union
  • Environmental Science Club
  • Latinx
  • WPU Cycling

Don’t see a club or organization that interests you? 通过联系学生参与协调员来创建你自己的,我们可以让它发生! 

Student Government

学生会是学校行政部门和学生团体之间的桥梁. 学生会创造了对话的空间,围绕发展一个支持性的, inclusive,and dynamic campus environment where students can belong, flourish,and have fun.

Student Government facilitates:

  • Weekly Meetings
  • Bi-weekly Student Senates
  • Monthly Birthday Bashes
  • Want to get involved or have an idea for Student Government?  Let us know by emailing AWSPC@wuhubanjia.net.

Multicultural Programs and Student Diversity Council

亚博体育学生多样性委员会(SDC)是亚博体育ASWPU学生领导的六个分支机构之一. SDC致力于通过教育促进校园内外的正义和公平, 倡导和赞美来自不同背景的人.


  • Access for All
  • Black Student Organization
  • 搭建桥梁(为有关信仰和性的对话创造共享空间)
  • International Student Organization
  • Islander Student Organization
  • Latinx

对SDC有想法或对创建一个多元文化组织感兴趣? Let SDC know. Contact AWSPC@wuhubanjia.net.

Study Abroad

跨文化交流为个人发展提供了机会, 通过与与自己不同的人和世界观的互动来提高社会意识和智力. 每年有两到四名WPU学生有机会通过最佳学期项目之一在校外度过一个学期. 看看九个地点(三个国内和六个国际)和 learn how to apply.


Intramurals is run by Campus Activities Board (CAB) members. 校内项目的目的是为亚博体育社区提供参加各种竞争性和非竞争性体育和活动的机会. 校内项目旨在通过提供乐趣来补充大学的教育努力, safe, and structured experiences that promote the physical, mental, and social development of every student.

Spiritual Life and Local Churches

校园事工的存在是为了帮助你探索整体灵性. We see our regular gatherings (chapel, small groups, 以及特别的活动)作为在一个安全和包容的社区中深入探讨你自己的问题和目标的机会. WPU相信我们以基督为中心的使命是建立社区和提供生命信息指导的最佳方式之一, Life-Inspiring and Live’able.


服务他人是贯穿在WPU体验的整个结构中,包括课程, athletics, residence life and more. 你会发现许多课外活动专门致力于帮助你利用你独特的才能和天赋,为他人创造更美好的世界, 为你一生有意义的仆人式领导做准备. 亚博体育的本地连接项目将学生与有意义的本地项目联系起来, 与你独特的技能和兴趣相一致的长期服务机会.

你可以在一年中志愿参加一些项目. More details are available through the links below.

Student Leadership

作为一个小校园社区的一部分,一个伟大的事情是每个学生都有机会领导. 如果你想为校园做出贡献,帮助建立一个重视每个不同成员的社区, there is a place for you. 我们鼓励你掌握自己在这里的经历,并参与到你所热爱的校园活动中. You can help build a student body that is dynamic, inclusive and aware of what is going on in our city, our country and our world.

通过ASWPU的学生领导包括学生会的角色, Campus Activities Board, Service Learning, Campus Ministries, and Residence Life. 你也可以通过在体育领域的职位和在第一年学习社区担任同伴导师来领导校园. 有关每个区域的更多信息可通过以下链接获得.

Living on Campus

There’s nothing quite like living on a college campus. You’re near class, the library, and faculty offices. You’re next door to someone in that 8 a.m. 提醒你明天要交反思报告的同学. And that time you save commuting from home or an apartment? You can use it to study. Or work. Or explore Portland.

But most importantly, 亚博体育亚博体育你认识的人,谁可以陪你一辈子. 也许是因为深夜在宿舍里的谈话, building a team to showcase your talent in the Undees, or cheering on your favorite Knights team. 居住生活让你有机会在一个多元化的环境中生活和学习, supportive and vibrant campus community. 有两个宿舍和各种公寓和住宅生活选择, there’s flexibility on campus.

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